Security Tips

ADCB-Egypt is dedicated to ensuring that your accounts remain secure and your personal information remains private. To that end, here are some tips that will help you feel comfortable when you bank with us.

Personal Computer

  • Install all security updates offered by your software provider(s).
  • Install a personal firewall on your computer.
  • Protect your computer against viruses and spyware by using anti-spyware software, anti-virus software, and automatic upgrades.
  • Scan your computer regularly for both spyware and viruses.
  • Avoid downloading programs from unknown sources. Some sources may have hidden forms of spyware or viruses that could compromise the security of your computer.
  • You can verify secure sites by "double-clicking" on the padlock icon located at the bottom of your browser application and reading the site info in the box that appears.
  • Activate a pop-up blocker.
  • Leave suspicious sites. If a website does not appear to be what you expected it to be, leave immediately.
  • When your computer is not in use, shut it down or disconnect it from the Internet.
  • Be vigilant in your online activities. Always keep in mind that forging emails and creating fraudulent websites is not difficult.
  • Confirm the validity of all requests for sensitive personal, financial, or account information, particularly if they are made with an urgent or threatening tone.
  • Read and familiarize yourself with the Privacy Policies and legal disclosures of software providers.


  • Question suspicious emails. ADCB-Egypt will never send you an email asking for your online ID or password.
  • If you receive an email that appears to be suspicious, do not reply to it or click on the link it provides. Simply delete it.
  • If you think you may have provided personal or account information in response to a fraudulent email or website, report the fraud immediately, change your password, and monitor your account activity frequently.
  • Avoid clicking on links provided in emails. It is always better to type the address into your browser.
  • Open email attachments only if you know the sender. It is best to scan attachments with your anti-virus software prior to opening.
  • Never open email attachments that have file endings of .exe, .pif, or .vbs. These are file extensions for executables, and are commonly dangerous files.
  • Be careful and selective before providing your email address to a questionable website. Sharing your email address makes you more likely to receive fraudulent emails.

Online Banking

  • Monitor your account activity frequently to detect fraud earlier.
  • Review your monthly credit card and bank account statements thoroughly. Investigate suspicious items immediately to avoid any possible fraud before it occurs.
  • Avoid using Internet Cafes / Public PCs to access online banking. Use your home or other PC that you know follows good security practices.
  • Always log off from your Online Banking session.

Password & Pin

  • Choose password and personal identification numbers (PINs) that are difficult for others to guess.
  • Use a different password for each of your online accounts.
  • Do not share your IDs, passwords, or PINs with anyone.
  • Change your passwords and PIN often.
  • Try not to use personal information in your passwords or PINs. Passwords that contain information such as your name, date of birth, or telephone number are not as secure as more random information.

Credit Card & Debit Card

  • Never carry your credit /debit card personal identification number (PIN) with you. Memorize it, or keep the number in a safe place at home.
  • Make copies of all the card information that you carry daily and keep them in a secure place.
  • Review your monthly credit card and bank account statements thoroughly. Investigate suspicious items immediately and report any possible fraud before it occurs.
  • Report lost or stolen cards immediately, call 16862
  • Always be sure to retrieve both your card and receipt after every transaction.
  • Protect your card from damage and avoid leaving it near magnetic devices or mobile telephones.


  • Shield the ATM keypad with your hand or body while entering your PIN.
  • Be aware of nearby strangers.
  • If you notice anything suspicious or that seems unsafe, cancel the transaction and report immediately, Call 16862
  • Report lost or stolen ATM cards immediately, call 16862
  • Never leave your transaction statement behind.